March 22, 2018, Dortmund, Germany
Seminar series of the SFB 876, Dortmund, Germany
organized by Jörg Rahnenführer
1. Willi Sauerbrei - Medical Center University of Freiburg, Germany
'Short introduction of the STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies (STRATOS) initiative' PDF
2. Lisa McShane - National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, US
'Analysis of high-dimensional Data: Opportunities and challenges' PDF
3. Tomasz Burzykowski - University of Hasselt, Belgium
'A bird’s eye view on processing and statistical analysis of 'omics' data' PDF
4. Riccardo de Bin - University of Oslo, Norway
'Strategies to derive combined prediction models using both clinical predictors and high-throughput molecular data' PDF
5. Willi Sauerbrei - Medical Center University of Freiburg, Germany
'Guidance for the selection of variables and functional form for continuous variables – Why and for whom?' PDF