September 7-10, 2021 in Salzburg, Austria
Invited Session 'STRATOS initiative - Tools for guidance for analysis of observational studies'
Organized by Mark Baillie and Georg Heinze
Speakers and working titles:
1. Anne-Laure Boulesteix, LMU, Munich, Germany : Planning and reporting of simulation studies
2. Rolf Groenwold (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, NL): Using videos and other media for guidance
3. Maarten van Smeden (University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, NL): Using open data for reproducible methods research
4. Mark Baillie (Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, CH): Efficient graphical communication
Georg Heinze, Daniela Dunkler, and Christine Wallisch (Medical University of Vienna and Topic Group 2 of the STRATOS initiative): Tutorial 'Variable selection for statistical models: a review and recommendations for the practicing statistician'